
Es regnet, als wir nach einer mehrstuendigen Bootsfahrt ueber den Mekong Fluss in Kambodscha an Land gehen. Durch fehlende Indikatoren, wie Gebaeude, Strassen oder wechselnde Landschaften, habe ich nicht wirklich das Gefuehl eine Landesgrenze ueberschritten zu haben. Ausserdem bin ich nicht dazu gekommen mich ueber Land und Leute zu informieren, fahre also voellig unbedarft meinem ersten Ziel Phnom Penh, der Hauptstadt Kambodschas entgegen…Phonm Penh
… ist endlich so, wie ich mir eine asiatische Grossstadt immer vorgestellt hatte. Man taucht ein in ein Meer aus ratternden Motarraedern und Autos. Die Strassen sind voll, es ist laut und es herrscht reges Treiben. Leicht orange schimmernd, daempft die von Staub und Abgasen durchsetzte Luft das Licht der Abendsonne und Strassenlaternen.
Auf der Suche nach einer Unterkunft, schliesse ich mich ein paar Daenen an und vetraue auf deren Wahl des Guesthouses. Dort angekommen laufe ich einen langen Korridor entlang, bis mich ploetzlich ein Deja Vue von noch nie dagewesener Intensitaet durchfaehrt. Erinnerungen an einen Traum werden wach, einem Traum, der mich Jahre zuvor schon einemal hier her durch eben genau diesen Korridor gefuehrt hat. Eines von mehreren Ereignissen im Laufe der Reise, die meine bis dahin sehr realistische Weltanschauung nicht geaendert , wohl aber aufgeweicht und um weitere, nicht unbedingt erklaerbare Aspekte bereichert hat. Insgesamt wirkt alles etwas unwirklich. Gezahlt wird mit US Dollar, es herrscht Partystimmung, ueberall riecht es nach Haschisch, wer einen Blick in die Menuekarte der Restaurants und Bars wirft und sich fragt, was “HAPPY-Shake” oder “HAPPY-Pizza” zu bedeuten hat, wird bald herausfinden, das mit “HAPPY” eine besondere Zutat, naemlich psilocybinhaltige Pilze gemeint sind.
Zwar goenne ich mir, mich wieder mal in netter Gesellschaft befindend auch etwas Spass, doch ist der eigentlliche Grund meines Aufenthalts ein sehr ernster. Gleich frueh am naechsten Morgen schwinge ich mich aufs Rad, stuerze mich dann halsbrecherisch in den chaotischen Verkehr auf Phnom Penhs Strassen um zu den Killing Fields (Info), etwa 17 km suedlich ausserhalb der Stadt zu gelangen. Diese und der spaetere Busuch des Tuol-Sleng-Museums (Info) sind nicht “nur” Synonyme beispielloster, menschenverachtender Brutalitaet, sondern zeigen auch auf, dass derartige Graeueltaten keine Relikte laengst vergangener Zeiten sind, sondern wie auch andere Konflikte und Kriege im suedostasiatischen Raum, noch gar nicht lange zurueck liegen oder gar bis in die heutige Zeit hineinreichen.

Siem Reap
Siem Reap ist fuer mich nicht nur Ausgangspunkt fuer den Besuch der Tempel von Angkor (Info), sondern gleichzeitig auch das letzte Ziel meiner Suedostasienrunde.
Trotz des riesigen Areals von ca. 200 km², auf dem sich einst das Koenigreich der Khmer erstreckte und der schweisstreibenden Hitze, ziehe ich zum Erkunden der Tempelanlagen das Rad dem motorisierten Tuk-Tuk vor. Es ist nicht nur guesntiger, sondern mit der Option stehen bleiben zu koennen, wann man moechte, einfach mal irgendwo abzubiegen, um zu schauen wohin der Weg fuehrt und Situationen, in die man sonst nicht geraten wuerde, machen aus einer sonst langweiligen, touristischen Unternehmung jedes mal wieder ein kleines Abenteuer :-) So halte ich z. B. bei ein paar Leuten, die nach mir pfeifen, weil sie noch jemanden zum Federfussball spielen brauchen und spiele etwas mit ihnen, schaue in verdutzte Gesichter, weil ich auf Umwegen mit meinem klapprigen Damenrad durch kleine Doerfchen fahre, wohin sich normalerweise kein Tourist verirrt und kenne mich, da ich selbst fahre bereits nach kurzer Zeit in der Umgebung bestens aus :-)
Zwei Tage nehme ich mir Zeit, um Angkor zu durchstreifen. Durch die Weitlaeufigkeit der Anlage verteilen sich die Toursistenstroeme bis in den beruemtesten Tempeln sehr gut. Alles ist sehr freizuegig gestaltet, so hindern einen keine Verbotsschilder und Warnhinweise daran, auf den zum Teil ueber 1000 Jahre alten Zeugnissen aus Stein herumzulaufen oder zu klettern :-) Fast ebenso interessant, wie die von Menschenhand errichteten Bauten, ist die Natur, die sich zurueckerobert, was ihr genommen wurde, sobald der Mensch nicht mehr eingreift. Riesige Wuergefeigen umschlingen nicht nur ihre Wirtspflanzen, sondern nehmen auch die Tempelanlagen in ihren eisernen Griff.

Tja, und so bleiben mir am Ende noch vier Tage, um von Kamboscha zurueck nach Bangkok (Thailand) zu gelangen, von wo aus mein Flug weiter nach Indien geht.
Es ist interessant, Bangkok ein zweites mal sehen zu koennen. Beim ersten Besuch, nicht so voll und laut wie erwartet, dennoch chaotisch, wirkt es jetzt im Verleich zu manch anderen Staedten in Suedostasien, geradezu ordentlich, fortschrittlich und geregelt.
Geniessen kann ich die letzten Tage leider nicht, da mir erst in Bangkok angekommen einfaellt, dass ich ja noch ein Visum fuer Indien brauchen koennte. Doch einige Behoerdengaenge spaeter und mit mehr Glueck als Verstand, halte ich mein Visum tatsaechlich bereits nach knapp zwei Tagen in der Hand, obwohl es normalerweise eine Woche in Anspruch nimmt. Der letzten Etappe steht also nichts mehr im Weg.

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    His father loosens his grip on the full balls of his son as he stands. He can see the spurts of hair that dot the chest of his son. And he can see the heaving and gentle rise and fall of his son’s chest, as he breathes, as his excitement builds. His dad’s cock does not curve like that of his son, it angles like a fishing rod looking for fish under rushing river waters, from the deep furry patch between the father’s legs.

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    He reaches for and cups the wiggling low hangers of his teenage son. “Coach told us. To go beat off. Seeing all those tents in our shorts; he said we should have all been working out naked. Our shorts weren’t covering up, anything, as our cock’s periscoped out and over the elastic waistbands of our shorts.” He says to his dad as he steps from the shower.

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    “I figured you did.” His father says. “You play on a team so you know the purpose of teamwork.” “Once you plant that cock of yours in some squirmy hole and empty those warm balls of yours into a moist wet hole. Then you are on your way to becoming a man and only then will you come-of-age. But it is only a step onto the winding pathway towards manhood. It is my job to teach you what it means to be a man.” His father stands as he finishes his sentence. Loosening his belt and pulling his shirt out from the tucked confines of his pants.

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    Daddy was furious as I could hear his deep breath. He sat down on the bench by the door. I was looking down afraid he was going to kick my ass. He lifted my head from my chin using the tip of his loafer where I can smell that smelly sheer socks he has been worn all day. Just when our eyes met a big stinky manly wad landed on my face. Then I felt a big rough hand rubbing the spit all over my face. I heard the daddy say “ next time remember what I told you exactly I don’t want this to happen again you hear me? I paused and said “ yeeee…”. Before I finished the sentence another spit and a big slap on me. “ when I told you something you must say yes. There is no room for you to argue or think understood?” He said in a deep and firm tone. “ yes sir”. Without missing a beep I said it. “good boy your night is just about to start.” “This is what a man looks like son.” His father says as his pants fall to the floor. From his waist out pops his representation of a 40-year-old-man. And father of two teenage boys. His cock.

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    “My hard-on. Somewhat. But I have them all the time. You know that. You’ve made enough comments about me sportin’ boners in the morning when you see them at breakfast.” The one shower after his workout and practice had been a good start. But the walk home had tired him. But the massaging jets of water caressing across his muscular frame takes the weariness from his bones from this stressful day.

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    I didn’t move and I didn’t want to move because the smell in there is so toxic. I can smell daddy’s unwashed ass in there. I was also so happy as daddy sat on the toilet to released his scent just for me to sniff. Just when The scent faded away I heard the daddy say “Come here boy.” I saw daddy sitting on my couch with nothing but a white brief on. The bulge was staring at me. I knew I was going to be having a wonderful night. Garrett nods to his father.

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    His father loosens his grip on the full balls of his son as he stands. He can see the spurts of hair that dot the chest of his son. And he can see the heaving and gentle rise and fall of his son’s chest as he breathes as his excitement builds. Garrett nods his head as he wraps the jock over his head and takes a hearty breathe of the pouch placed over his nose.

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    “What?’ He balks at the suggestion from his dad. That night I did a whole spa routine to make sure my skin was soft and my ass was stretched and wet. I was wearing nothing but a jockstrap as I was told. Waiting by the door on fourth. My heartbeat was so fast as my mouth was dry. I heard the footstep approaching. I left the door unlocked as one of the instructions I was received from daddy. He stepped in with his size 10 Christian Loublitine loafer where my eyes were going up from there. When I made eye contact with daddy daddy slapped me across the face and said “Bad boy Where the fuck are your sneakers as I told you to wear tonight.” I was trembling and said in a very low voice “ sorry daddy I fooooorgot.”

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    “I’m am nearly 6 foot 2 inches tall dad. I weigh 210 lbs. I think dad. At least I was the last time we were weighed at football practice.” The son says. “Much bigger than you I should say.” “What are ya now by the way?”

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    “I ain’t a-talking ‘bout how big ya cock is boy. I am talking ‘bout ya weight. Your height.” His dad says. “I kinda figured on how big you are down there. That’s obvious. It makes me proud of you. My son. Of what I created along with ya mother.” He reaches and lets his hand glide over his swelled cock. Tickling the head of his bulbous cock with his rough fingertips which sends electric sparks through him and down to his toes.

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    He does not answer but tilts his head down in an almost subservient nature to his father. I was surprised He wasn’t angry. He said” boy you wait here I am going to the bathroom.” He closed the door. He must sit on the toilet with pants down because I heard him losing the belt but didn’t hear him peeing. After a while he called my name” get in here ass sniffing slut.” I opened the door and crawled to the side of daddy. Daddy was still sitting on the toilet. . Just when I was confused why he sat that and did nothing. He stood up and pulled his pants up. I did take a peep of daddy’s huge uncut Middle Eastern dick. Half hard like 7inches already. While he was doing that he grabbed my hair pushed right into the toilet and closed the lid. “ smell my ass from there boy when it is still fresh.” He paused and continued “ Don’t move.”

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    The one shower after his workout and practice had been a good start. But the walk home had tired him. But the massaging jets of water caressing across his muscular frame takes the weariness from his bones from this stressful day. “And you did it with that. Your boner?” His dad asks. “I guess.”

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    Garrett does not go hog-wild on his tool. He caresses and adores it like one would an idol. “I knew ya couldn’t keep your hands off it.” His dad says. “Men can’t do it we are drawn to our cocks like a moth to a flame and usually that burning sensation that a man feels is the cum boiling up in our balls. You know that feelin’ doncha son?”

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    “I knew ya couldn’t keep your hands off it.” His dad says. “Men can’t do it we are drawn to our cocks like a moth to a flame and usually that burning sensation that a man feels is the cum boiling up in our balls. You know that feelin’ doncha son?” “Yep. I’ve had one since I put on my gear at practice today.” He tells his dad.

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